who are you + where are you headed

“May you love the person you’re becoming on this journey called life…and if you’re not loving who you’re becoming, I pray you have the courage to change.” -Miranda Kay Sweeney

I was really thinking this evening about our different walks in life and about truly embracing who we are.  Sometimes, I feel like we don’t truly know who we are, until we’ve been through some stuff that really makes us think—some challenges that maybe test our Faith and make us think about who we really are and where our identity lies.  For me, I’ve always found that no matter what struggles I go through in life, and no matter how far I wander, my Savior is always whispering to me, “Come back to me, Miranda, really come back to me, and you’ll never thirst again” (John 4:14).  I realize that I need to truly let go of my control (or the control that I think I have), and fully trust Jesus to help me through the storms of life.  So many times we (or at least I) think we have it all under control and have this, “I got this!” attitude, when really we don’t have it.  If we did have it all under control, then we wouldn’t have gone through these struggles or gotten ourselves into the messes of life in the first place.

miranda sweeney

So, I want to encourage you today to be intentional about the direction in which your life is headed, and who you’re letting, or not letting, control that.  Furthermore, are you happy about that?  If not, do what you know to be right in your heart to change that.  Maybe it’s letting go completely, and letting God have His way in your life.  Or, maybe you’re already doing that, and you now just have to follow His lead in obedience, even when He asks you to do hard things (because He will).  Whatever it may be, be on purpose about knowing what you have to do, and then act up on it!  After all, as quoted by Abu Bakr, “Without knowledge action is useless and knowledge without action is futile.”



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About Miranda

Michigan girl + Southern at heart. Lover of Jesus and all things fitness, food, fashion, and adventure. Living a radically inspired life with insurmountable joy and encouraging others to do the same.

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