new month, new growth.

Rise and Grind, it’s that time!  What I mean by that is it’s the first day of a new month!  A new month, a clean slate, and time to grow more this month than you did last month.  Whether that means to stretch yourself more in the area of personal development, in your health and fitness, in your emotional well-being, in your spiritual growth, or all of the above (or in any other area for that matter), it’s time to get moving!  Make sure you have a plan, but not just a plan—make sure you know how to execute the plan.  What are the necessary steps you must take to achieve the growth that you desire?  Furthermore, what are you willing to give up now in order to get what you want down the road?  Growth and success don’t happen overnight—they happen through the simple daily disciplines that we have to be on purpose with carrying out.  Consistency is key!

I decided to keep this post short and sweet, because I want you to use the rest of the time that you would normally use for reading the rest of this post, to really think about February and how you want to grow.  If you’ve already done that, then take the time to actually WRITE out your growth plan.  And, if you’ve already done that…well, you guessed it—write out the steps necessary to achieve that plan.  Finally, if you’ve already done all of the above, then start doing the do and carrying out your plan now!  Don’t wait for later today when “the time is right”, because quite frankly, the time will never be just right.  So, go out into the world, work your plan with consistency each and every day, believe in yourself, and never stop growing!  Happy February, my friends!

About Miranda

Michigan girl + Southern at heart. Lover of Jesus and all things fitness, food, fashion, and adventure. Living a radically inspired life with insurmountable joy and encouraging others to do the same.

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