challenge yourself.

In order to grow, we have to challenge ourselves.  If we’re not challenging ourselves, if we’re not getting out of our comfort zone, we’ll forever stay the same.  And, that doesn’t do any good—it doesn’t help you as a person, nor does it help society.  Actually, it hinders both you and society –you from reaching your potential and being all that you can be, and the world from receiving all that you have to offer!

I’m currently reading Joyce Meyer’s “The Confident Woman” Devotional, and today’s devotion was actually about that.  One of the things that really stuck with me was this: “It would be unhealthy not to appreciate the significance of a major challenge.”  I was thinking about that today, as I start my new venture with blogging.  While I thoroughly enjoy writing, and am extremely passionate about the things that I blog about, the side that I’m not comfortable with is the technological side of things.  Thank the Lord that there are people who are very skilled in that area to help me out!  Even so, this whole thing is a leap of faith for me.  It’s something new, something exciting, something that will bring about challenges, and I couldn’t be more excited to learn how to overcome the challenges and embrace the entire journey.  I mean, isn’t that what life is all about, anyway—learning how to overcome the obstacles, and to truly embrace all that life encompasses?!

Whatever obstacles or challenges you’re facing today, I encourage you to join me in staring them straight in the face and choosing FAITH over fear.  You can and you will overcome!  I am confident of it.  Now go out there, do what you know you have to do, and BE BOLD, BE CONFIDENT, BE YOU!

About Miranda

Michigan girl + Southern at heart. Lover of Jesus and all things fitness, food, fashion, and adventure. Living a radically inspired life with insurmountable joy and encouraging others to do the same.

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