5 ways to discover your purpose

Do you ever come to a point in your life where you sit there and think to yourself, “How in the world did I get here, and what in the world am I doing with my life?”  Well, if that’s you, know that you’re not alone.  The more people I talk to through various walks …

3 ways to encourage personal growth

As many of you know, I’m a huge fan of personal growth and development.  However, it wasn’t always that way for me.  To be completely honest with you, I had no idea what personal development even was, until I jumped into Arbonne, a home-based health and wellness business, for which I’m an Independent Consultant.  It …

the essential little black dress for summer

Who doesn’t love finding that perfect little black dress?!  In my opinion, I think it’s great to have one for every season.  After all, a girl can’t have just one!  And I’ve found just the one for that summer date night, that girls’ night out, or just your go-to dress for a stroll downtown. I …

power through pain

Have you ever been in a spot in your life, in a season, where you feel in total darkness and you have to really focus to see the light?  Well, that has been my life these past few months.  And to be completely honest with you, these past couple years have been a whirlwind of …

best coffee in Detroit

As most of my friends and family know, I’m a coffee connoisseur.  So, naturally, one of the first things I wanted to check out in Detroit was the best place to get coffee.  Now, I’m not talking about Starbucks or any of the other chains out there–I’m talking about the fun little hometown places.  After …

who are you + where are you headed

“May you love the person you’re becoming on this journey called life…and if you’re not loving who you’re becoming, I pray you have the courage to change.” -Miranda Kay Sweeney I was really thinking this evening about our different walks in life and about truly embracing who we are.  Sometimes, I feel like we don’t …

challenge yourself.

In order to grow, we have to challenge ourselves.  If we’re not challenging ourselves, if we’re not getting out of our comfort zone, we’ll forever stay the same.  And, that doesn’t do any good—it doesn’t help you as a person, nor does it help society.  Actually, it hinders both you and society –you from reaching …

keeping your skin healthy through harsh winters

Living in Michigan, our winters here are absolutely horrendous (unless you are a lover of the cold and all things that go along with it).  With that being said, today was Groundhog’s Day, which I didn’t even realize until I was headed to the gym and heard on the radio that the groundhog saw his …

new month, new growth.

Rise and Grind, it’s that time!  What I mean by that is it’s the first day of a new month!  A new month, a clean slate, and time to grow more this month than you did last month.  Whether that means to stretch yourself more in the area of personal development, in your health and …

live inspired. live on purpose. live joyfully.

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”  -Ralph Waldo Emerson January 31, 2017.  To many, it’s just another day here and another day gone, but not for me.  Today marks the day when I decided to take a leap of faith and do something …