Hope for A Weary Soul

First things first, I wrote the majority of this post a couple months ago, but I never published it. I was inspired by a friend today and decided to finish it and publish it. It seems like someone else may need to hear it. Anyway, I don’t know about you, but lately I’ve felt bogged …

Shop Like Your Health Depends on It

Yep, I just went there. I know there’s a lot of people who don’t believe that what you choose to put into your body actually affects your health. But, I also know that there’s many people who are starting to question the quality of food and if the food we eat contributes to disease, sluggishness, …

finding joy in the waiting

Have you ever wanted something so bad that you thought was good for you, and you’ve been praying about it for quite some time, yet it hasn’t come to fruition? Maybe it’s not a physical object or materialistic possession, but rather timing on something, a physical healing, becoming a momma, or some mental/emotional stress to …

Fudgey Brownies (Whole 30, Paleo, Dairy-Free)

Happy Mother’s Day to all you beautiful mommas out there! You are loved beyond measure and appreciated beyond words! I hope you all had a marvelous day with your loved ones. I wanted to post this recipe on Mother’s Day, because we women tend to love chocolate, so ladies, this one’s dedicated to you! And …

when life isn’t all it’s cracked up to be

Have you ever been at a spot in your life where you think to yourself, “How in the world did I get here, and how do I get out?” I know I have, and it’s not a whole lot of fun. However, life isn’t meant to be all fun and games, because if it was, …

small business saturday in northern michigan

Happy Thanksgiving Week, my friends!  It’s that time of year again…the time when everyone is super happy and full of cheer, which also means it’s the time when most start shopping for friends and family for Christmas gifts.  For me, when it comes to Christmas shopping (or any shopping, for that matter), I like to …

summer yummies in detroit

Happy Friday, loves!  I’m so excited for this Labor Day Weekend!  I just love this time of year with kids going back to school and fall approaching, and really just getting into the swing of things again.  But with that, it means that this weekend is kind of like a last “hurrah” to summer.  And …

three ways to simplify your life

Does anyone else have those friends on Instagram or Pinterest that they admire, who live such a simplistic, almost minimalistic lifestyle?  Or is that just me?  I look at their pages and think to myself, “Have they always been like this, or was this learned over time?”  While I’m still not sure the answer to …

fave clutch for summer

Happy Friday, my friends!  I can’t believe we’re already over half way through July!  Before summer is over, I wanted to share my favorite summer clutch with y’all.  Not only is it perfect for summer, but this color transitions into fall as well. I absolutely love everything about this clutch–from the craftsmanship, to the color, …